By Bambang Pujiyono
The author Budi Luhur Secretarial College lecturer Jakarta
Friday, July 1, 2005
Police image in the eyes of society have ups and downs. Positive imagery, built as a commitment to the professionalism of the police, it was often 'polluted' by the act of the police themselves so that the police tortured a negative verdict. This phenomenon seems to be a cycle that lasts in the body of Police (Police of the Republic of Indonesia).
Some cases that become 'customers' and determine the fluctuations in the image of the Police, including cases of abuse of authority, assault, sexual harassment, the action is not pleasant, and misuse of firearms. Various cases such as never leaving the body of Police. Although the leadership of the Police is committed to taking action against members who violate, but it seems that these appeals are not effective. Violations for successive violations occur. Types of offenses committed by police personnel had not changed.
In this condition, then the image of the police even worse in the public eye. The internal conditions such that the public doubted the ability of the police in carrying out its function as protector and public servant. So far, the public (still) rely on the police force as the main pillar of security and public order problems. While the civilian elements in the security and public order have only limited support. Realities of the Indonesian people's life gave birth to an interesting phenomenon related to police duties.
Phenomenon is the commitment to create the life of a democratic and global interaction with all the uniform. Both phenomena are certainly forcing institutions to review the strategy of the Police in carrying out its functions. If not done, the way police work is still stuck with the old pattern (militaristic), which is contrary to the atmosphere of democratic life, both at the level of local, national, and global.
In the future, at least five years into the future, the role of police is very heavy. This deals with the government's commitment to immediately resolve the problems of enforcement, such as the eradication of terrorism, arrest the criminals, as well as public safety is an important part of political platforms.
These conditions can be realized depends on the professionalism of the police as the main pillar of the community protection and aegis. Actually the problem above is not a new thing for the police, because so far the police had been trying to perform its functions. But it must be recognized, three important things are still the national issue has not been optimally implemented. In this case, the achievement is still doubted by the public police. Although we also should not close your eyes to the great achievements that have been grabbed by police. Terrorism is believed to be still rife in the community.
Because, during this 'prickly' terrorists still at large in Indonesia. In addition, people were already getting used to the way terrorists to fight for his political interests. The presence of terrorism in all forms and types of course activities affect the safety and comfort of people's lives. All this seems less coordinated police intelligence so often "cheated" preparedness. As a result, our region was attacked several times by local and international terrorists. Meanwhile, efforts to arrest and prosecution for corruption is also a focus of public interest. Police became one of the spearheads in order to create a clean government than the criminals. Corruptor at various levels of life, whether class or petty snapper is a common enemy.
Thus, the police will deal with the corrupt who is quite a lot of corruption with varying quality. Moreover, the level of criminality in a society which is still high as a domino effect from the economic crisis is a fact. Various forms of crime every day are always colored the life of the community. The community is made uncomfortable for life. Every step we always visible by the threat of crime in a high enough percentage.
The third challenge is the input in the system of protection and aegis by the police. How the strategy should be done by the police, resulting in the form of police actions will lead to the protection and aegis, which is essentially the community's dream?
Institution that is less favorable conditions should be immediately reorganized the police in the hope that happens more positive image of the community. Internal conditions that include welfare should be primary concern police leadership. Improving the quality of life that equitable welfare is the main capital for shaping the character and mentality of a good work ethic. Improvement of the police characters should begin from the beginning towards the end of recruitment to tenure. Methods, procedures, and personal coaching process should be clear so that police can produce a professional police character. Professional character will be seen and felt by the community, both in terms of work and work processes related to the protection and aegis of the society.
The next strategy, the police should further optimize the approach to the public relating to its duties. Enemy of the police is actually an enemy of society. Therefore, cooperation between police and communities together to crush the enemy was expected to be more optimal. The police must be able to show a good figure, so that people do not view the police as an authoritarian military institution and frightening. As long as there is social distance between police and the community. As a result, many police work that should be resolved by involving the community, but society failed to give complete information.
For that, police must prioritize the humanist approach to dealing with problems in every community. Arrogant attitude and anarchy that often appear in solving the problem must be immediately stopped. Instead, the settlement of problems of society with respect for human rights guidelines (HAM) will need up front. Through this way, automatic proximity Police and the community can be created. Furthermore, the image of police in the public eye would be realized by itself. At the global level, the police should also conduct cooperation with international police agencies. This cooperation is essential in order to exchange information and possible implementation of training to improve skills and expertise in working.
This is necessary because the transnational crimes that use sophisticated technology has reached a point that is very disturbing the stability of security and comfort of people's lives. In some cases, transnational crime, the police turned out to have a constraint to capture the criminals who flee abroad or vice versa. The reason, police institutions had established cooperation with other countries. Skills and expertise of international standard can be used to protect and nurture the universal community. Foreign nationals residing in Indonesia for various purposes as a consequence of globalization is unavoidable.
Thus, errors in the handling of cases involving foreign nationals will not occur. Finally welcomed Bhayangkara Day 2005, some of the above is expected to serve as the material reflections by police institutions in order to enhance professionalism. The police must immediately clean up to deal with the democratization of culture, society, and in order to support the creation of a clean and authoritative government. Police longevity! ***
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